Location: »St. Claret« Meeting House, Claretinerstr. 3, 89264 Weissenhorn (Bavaria)
Date: 02/28/2025 – 03/04/2025

It's that time again: for the 35th time we can ask you to come to the "Carnaval du Cor". This time to WeißenHORN to the House of Encounter St. Claret, where we have already had excellent accommodation four times.

We start on February 28th at 3:00 p.m. and end the festival on March 4th after breakfast at around 9:30 a.m. The final concert will take place on March 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the »Pauluskirche« in Ulm. If you already have other commitments on Tuesday, you can leave after the concert on Monday (approx. 9 p.m.) without missing any of the course content. However, the closing party is highly recommended!

We will publish the line-up of lecturers in the next few days. A new name is added every day. Stay tuned and share the information with your friends.

The 2025 lecturers are:

  • Wilhelm Bruns: Naturhorn-Solist / Deutsche Naturhorn Solisten
  • Ben Goldscheider: Hornsolist
  • Emanuel Jean-Petit-Matile: Solohorn Nationaltheater-Orchester Mannheim
  • Felix Klieser: Hornsolist und Buchautor (special guest beim Konzert)
  • Prof. Christian Lampert: Professor für Horn an den Hochschulen Basel und Bern
  • Lene Aadalen Skomedal: Hornistin und international tätige Yogalehrerin
  • Prof. Milena Viotti: Bayerisches Staatsorchester; Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM)
  • Prof. Frøydis Ree Wekre: Legendäre Hornistin und Hornprofessorin 

The target group of our horn festival are horn enthusiasts, for whom focused work on music and partying aren’t mutually exclusive. The minimum age for participation is 16 years. Although the level is high it is of course suitable for non professional horn players as well. Since we arrange almost all the played music ourselves we can consider individual strengths and weaknesses when assigning parts.

The arrangements will be provided as downloads at least three weeks before the festivals starts so there is enough time to prepare all the music assured.

Of course our teachers also offer individual lessons without any extra costs!

We are making a change to the participant fees. In the future there will be three prizes to enable almost every musician to participate in the »Carnaval du Cor«.

There is now…

... a standard price for employees (€395.00)
... a standard price for students (€350.00) and
... a "More-is-currently-not-possible price" (at least €195.00), which can be used by students and employees alike.

We are quite sure that you will be very sensitive to the "More-is-currently-not-possible price". This price is highly subsidized from all of us and should only be used in urgent exceptional cases! Anyone who uses it decides for themselves whether only the minimum amount (€195.00) is paid in, or a little more. The amount is entirely up to you. You decide according to your possibilities. Under no circumstances should it be less than €195.00!!!

Only Benjamin knows who is claiming the "More-is-currently-not-possible tariff" and of course it is not (!) talked about. Making use if does not have to be justified! Our aim with this new price category is to enable almost everyone to participate in the festival, even in difficult times. We see us as a HORN FAMILY and in a family we help each other. Just please be sensitive to it and think briefly about what is possible at most. Then we will make it.    

All of the above prices already include the registration fee of €100.00
In short, except for the drinks everything is already included!!!

However, please note: The registration fee of €100 will not be refunded if you do not participate. If cancellations are made less than eight weeks before the start of the course, the entire amount will be retained. The reason for the cancellation (illness, audition, new boyfriend/girlfriend, beer allergy, etc.) is irrelevant. We and the accommodation must be able to make binding plans from a certain point onwards. The only exception is a course cancellation. In this case, the entire contribution will of course be returned, including the registration fee.

Please also spread the word about our festival and follow »Carnaval du Cor« on Instagram and Facebook. We especially welcome new participants! It is a great opportunity to improve a lot in a short time and to benefit from experienced successful horn players. The average age of our participants is in the high twenties, the level is very good and our teachers are all excellent. The beer too!

With this in mind, warm greetings from Augsburg and Hamburg!

Benjamin Comparot & Markus Meyr-Lischka

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